Saturday, October 30, 2010

Samsung Galaxy Tab, India launch

Samsung Galaxy Tab launched :) will be available in the market from 10th November 2010.
Check out the Rs 38000 Android tablet thats going to make people hang on to it.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

HTC Desire HD, India

HTC Desire HD, released in Europe and US, will be in India in a months time:)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Google TV sets unveiled by Sony

According to me Google TV, the next big thing has started happening in the field of entertainment. Sony stepped first, there will be row of companies now.

HTC planning to gain the ground with Windows

Suddenly HTC is buddy buddy with MS Windows 7, Suddenly HTC has shifted its business plans and getting closer with MS, this is evident with the release of three Windows 7 phones in one go, while the two android phones, though announced, but delayed.

HTC 7 Mozart For music lovers and HTC 7 Trophy For gamers both with 1Ghz Processors, this adds up with the release of HD7.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Brewmp, the new mobile OS

Qualcomm, the company which developed the snapdragon processor has come up with a cool OS for mobiles, brewmp, check out.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Touch pad tablet war begins

Why is touch screen so exciting to use, because its the only technology which literally allows you to touch the technology. We thought we touched it, but now I am sure, its going to stick to us for rest of our lives. HTC was the first company to introduce touch screen technology to consumer level products at a lower price. First it was phones now its the next level, tablets.

Every company has come out a multi touch tablet, especially when a OS is free, Android.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

free devanagari font download: free devanagari font download

free devanagari font download: free devanagari font download: "font sample *font informationAA_NAGARI_SHREE_L1 [ show all samples ] (AA_NAGARI_SHREE_L1.ttf) Source: Free download from the Database of I..."

Saturday, October 2, 2010


If you think kindle is the best way to read your book, then think twice Nook

Friday, October 1, 2010

Blackberry Playbook

First it was Apple, then lot Chinese companies with android, then Dell,Toshiba, Linova and every one else, none of the above is officially available in the Indian market, which gave way to Blackberry Playbook, cool stuff coming to India soon with its own OS, they call it a professional tablet, i call it full with Blackberry.